Wednesday, November 5, 2008

FOCA: It's what's first up.

Here's info on what Obama has promised to sign into law as the first thing he will do as president.

FOCA: Freedom Of Choice Act

  • Unlimited abortions would become the law of the land

  • Restrictions such as parental notification and consent, spousal notification, waiting periods, etc. would all be prohibited nationwide. Such safeguards have been allowed to the states since the Webster and Casey decisions in 1989 and 1992. FOCA sponsor Senator Barbara Boxer, along with planned parenthood and others agree FOCA will strike down all state pro-life laws.

  • It would guarantee more tax payer dollars pay for abortions. At this time, the Supreme Court has prevented government funding of most abortions.

  • Partial birth abortions, banned by the Supreme Court, would become legal.

  • Abortions will increase by 125,000 each year.

The law prevents our minor daughters from buying cigarettes and alcohol. It prevents them from driving until age 16. It says they can't enter into contracts of most types. The law in my state says they have to sit in a booster seat while riding in cars until age 8. And yet, Obama wants to make it legal for our 13, 14, 15+ year old daughters to get abortions, with out parental knowledge of any kind.

Obama said "it's not enough to protect the gains of the past – we have to build a future that's filled with hope and possibility for all Americans". Apparently he doesn't include babies in that hope and possibility. This is the problem with us as Americans idly watching the deterioration of our society's moral code. We turn a blind eye to things that are inherently wrong because it's always been that way, or we don't know what to do to stop them, or we think "a little wrong" won't really do that much damage. It's so much harder to take back a wrong than it is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Once the door opens and the foot of evil firmly plants itself in the threshold, it's nearly impossible to get that foot back out and close the door again. And so it is with Roe V. Wade and Obama. It's not enough for them to leave bad enough alone, they want to eliminate all safeguards and restrictions. This is why we must stand up and fight. We cannot allow liberty and justice to be strangled in increments because of our laziness, fear and apathy. As a wise man said "sometimes it's not about calculating the best outcome, it's about right and wrong." (link)

Last night our 6 y/o daughter came home from school. She said she didn't like Obama because one of her friends told her that he wants to kill babies. She said we shouldn't have any more children because they wouldn't be safe. Yes, we explained how her friend was wrong, but how wrong was she, really?

Obama said passing FOCA will be the first thing he does after becoming president. I hope his memory is as bad as his judgment in friends.


Nancy said...

That made me tear up when i read what your eldest daughter said she heard at school. It's a good thing she has parents with their heads on straight to explain these things to her.

Carrie said...

It's so weird that his first act would be to implement a law he himself disagrees with. He does not believe in partial birth abortions, and I strongly doubt he would do anything so divisive. I believe he has the countries best interests at heart and will truly try to unite us. Hopefully all the scare tactics used during for campaigning and far right fears about him will be proven wrong and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
On another note, what news outlets do you use? You always seem to have obscure quotes and information that isn't discussed in the news I watch/listen to. Honestly, I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

Are you ready for Obamunism? Hold onto your wallet.

I love the following Thomas Jefferson quote: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

Ty said...

I'll cite sources in the future. I don't watch or listen to main stream media. Maybe that's the difference. I'll post Obama's actual speech to Planned Parenthood from July last year.