Sunday, November 2, 2008


My final pre-election thoughts on why to vote for or against Obama:


  • He seems to have a nice demeanor. He is very calm, not easily ruffled, etc.

  • He's a smooth talker. Although, his voice inflections started bugging me very soon after he came on the national scene and now I can hardly stand to hear him speak. I guess he's smooth though.

  • He supports alternative energy.


  • He is a socialist. There is no denying it at this point. Biden can apologize for him and try to explain things away all he wants but there is no escaping the truth. Obama will redistribute money. He admits it. He also admits to purposely surrounding himself with Marxists in college--that we know from his memoirs. I've had enough of everything being explained away on his behalf--"oh, well, he was in college--everyone experiments with things to 'find yourself' during those days". That is the biggest bunch of garbage being sold by Obama apologists I've ever heard. It's utter non-sense. It didn't stop with college either--Bill Ayres is a self described Marxist as well as others he chose for friends and colleagues. Thomas Jefferson said "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Obama's tax plan is to take from those who are willing to work and GIVE, not TAX LESS, but GIVE to those who pay no taxes at all. This goes against everything our country stands for. We can and must cut spending, not tax more.

  • Free health care/insurance is not a right. While I agree in providing health care for those who truly cannot do so for themselves, I do not believe it should be free. AND, I believe those who truly cannot provide for themselves are far fewer than Obama would have us think. I know several people who don't have health insurance. Almost all don't have it because of their choice--not because they can't afford, but because they CHOOSE NOT TO. They go to redimed when needed, they pay cash and get the discount for doing so, and when big problems come up, they sell things to pay the bills, get charitable donations, or convince the providers to write off the difference. They do fine. These stories of people dying for lack of health insurance are completely exaggerated by the media. What about all the people that rack up the cost of health care because they can't stop themselves from eating McDonald's 7 times a day, or the people who smoke until their lungs are black? These are all choices and I don't believe the general public should pay for irresponsible choices of people who know better. The innocent and unaccountable are another story, obviously. Health insurance is no more a right than is car insurance, life insurance, or any other insurance. It's a choice people make to transfer risk to someone else in exchange for a regular monthly payment that may or may not ever be used by the person making the payment. They are willing, not obligated, but willing to pay a small amount in return for the peace of mind that if something happens, they will be taken care of. Life isn't fair. Some can't afford insurance. I understand this. I can't afford a brand new family vehicle either. That would give me much greater peace of mind if we had one. The fact is, I probably could afford it if I was willing to work harder, get an advanced degree, or whatever, but as it turns out, I am not. I've decided to trade this afore mentioned peace of mind for time spent doing other things.

  • Obama does not believe in the sanctity of life. How any Christian, God fearing person can vote for him I truly and sincerely do not understand. Yes, many churches do support abortions in the most horrific of circumstances such as rape, incest and when the mother's life is truly in danger. However, these circumstances constitute less than 1% of all abortions performed in this country. Let's not be naive. This isn't about rape and incest. This is about lust and selfishness. Having children is a sacred and wonderful thing. Abortion is not excusable. There are thousands upon thousands of people waiting to adopt--everyone of you knows someone who wants to adopt and would make a great parent. You give up the right to chose when you chose to be selfish and lustful. This man supports partial birth abortions for crying out loud. Guys, this is where the baby is delivered feet first, until all but the baby's head is out. The abortionist then inserts a sharp object into the back of the head, removes it, inserts a vacuum and sucks the brains out. The baby obviously dies and falls out lifelessly. How is this not murder? There is no discussion of viability here. We're not talking about something that is smaller than a walnut ceasing to exist. This is murder. I can't vote for a person who supports this horror.
  • Obama has no executive experience. He's never been a governor or a mayor or even run a small business. Have you all heard Michelle Obama? He doesn't even have executive experience at home for heaven sake. All senators do is make laws (sometimes)--they don't run anything. He may be a good leader, but try something like mayor or governor first and show us that you're a good leader. The president? I don't know about that.
  • He is against drilling for domestic oil. I do agree that we should pursue all avenues of energy, including wind and solar, but we should also drill for the oil we do have nearby. Even Paris Hilton gets this. Why can't he? Should we develop alternative energy? Of course. Does that mean we can't drill for more oil in the mean time? OF COURSE NOT!!! We're not talking about strip mines which leave the land barren and void of life (but man is the fishing good after they fill up with water!). We're talking about drilling for oil so far off the shore that you can't see it. My goodness, China, Norway, and several others are drilling for oil off our own shores, why aren't we? This is absurd!
  • Obama will not admit the surge is working and he will leave Iraq in such a vulnerable state that we will be in more danger than ever before. I know no one wants to talk about Iraq anymore. It's a tired and worn-out subject. I agree. The fact is that this is still very, very important. Whether you think the war was good or bad is irrelevant at this point. We cannot abandon the country, creating a power void only to be filled with terrorists the likes of the Taliban. Maybe we should not have gotten involved in Iraq. I know, the whole hind sight thing... But I can't say what I would have done with the intelligence we supposedly had at the time and I don't if Bush tells the truth in that regard or not. I suspect we don't get the whole truth. That being the case, we just can't walk away now. We are winning. Why can't he admit that? For the sake of international peace we must stay until the job is done.
  • OK, this one is pretty subjective on my part and probably not totally fair. That's why I'm sticking it in the middle so it may not get noticed at all... I don't like his wife. I don't think she likes her country. I know she doesn't love her country. She's never been proud of her country before? She doesn't know what you could do with a $600 rebate check except maybe buy a pair of ear rings? What world is this woman living in? She shouldn't be allowed to live in and run the White House. I feel better about having Hillary in the White House than her, and that was bad enough. I have to admit though, Hillary has really grown on me in the last year. I wouldn't be writing this blog if she was the democratic candidate. That woman can handle herself and I know she would protect the constitution. Michelle Obama has no business being the first lady.
  • All the experts indicate the next president will appoint two supreme court justices. This is quite possibly one of the scariest cons of all for Obama. If you listened to his 2001 Chicago radio interview, you know that he feels the constitution places too many constraints on the country and would like it changed. I can't even imagine how the country would change for the worse if he installed two judges who would vote for issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and against issues such as self defense and religious rights. The Constitution would struggle to remain as the holy document that it is.
  • He has terrible judgment in choosing friends and mentors. Why does everyone gloss over the fact that he listened to the sermons of a RACIST preacher for 20 years? Jeremiah Wright married him, "baptized" his children and served as a mentor for 20 years! Why does everyone believe him when he says "he's not the man I thought he was?" How is that possible? He spewed anti-white racist venom from the pulpit for 20 years! "NO, NO, NO, NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA, G--DAMN AMERICA". Who would preach such a sermon? Better yet, who would listen to such a sermon? I understand that I have no idea what it's like to walk in the shoes of a black man. But, how can this be the right approach? How can this be part of the solution? Obama sat in these sermons for years; he knew full well what kind of preacher/friend/mentor this guy was. For crying out loud, even Oprah couldn't continue to attend the man's church. This is one person you say? What about Bill Ayres--he bombed his OWN COUNTRY and is a self proclaimed Marxist. Jeremiah Wright. Tony Rezko (read about him here). Rashid Khalidi (PLO terrorist). The list goes on and on. Why would you choose to associate with such people unless you felt some kinship to them or anticipated some political gain? Neither is good in this case. This is frightening to me.
  • Big government. Thomas Jefferson said "Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." My freedom to do as I please (so long as I don't infringe on the rights of others) is top ten, maybe even top five importance to me. The idea of big government, tax and spend is not in line with my ideals. I believe in self reliance. I believe I can and should work for what I attain. The government can protect the innocent in some cases and provide some services which others cannot. I understand this. But, I don't believe they do it well, nor do I think government is the answer. A government big enough to take away my rights, under a bastardized constitution, should scare us all near to death. What ever happened to "It's not what the country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country"?

This only scratches the surface. I know I hardly understand the full implications of an Obama presidency. Several weeks ago I was sort of ambivalent to the whole deal, since I don't really care for McCain either, so I decided to start doing some research about Obama. I figured I owe it to myself to find out what he believes and stands for rather than listening to cable or radio hosts tell me what I should think. I now wish I had never done that. I wish I had stayed ignorant and ambivalent. Ignorance is bliss.

Wipe that smirk off your face McCain, you're next...


emily said...

Why do you think I choose to keep my head in the sand? This stuff is scary! The abortion stuff made me nearly throw up. Follow the prophet...

Nancy said...

But Obama makes me feel good when I listen to him...Plus he has a really cute smile. JK!! Great post. It would take me weeks to put something like that together. So glad you did. I agree with it all 110%. It's scary times ahead. Did we think it would be otherwise?
It just makes me sick that so many sweet people who don't know history are taken in by his empty charm. It's incredible that a man with an almost non-existent track record (the little that does exist should make ones hair stand on end), so few days as a congressman, and who's life experiences raise so many red flags is about to be elected president. I'm convinced that if he came right out and admitted he was a socialist it wouldn't change the vote. I think people would say "well, that's all right. You're so smart that it must be OK."
I would have added to your post that an Obama presidency will emblolden the Iranians and Russians. They would much prefer Obama than McCain. I find this the scariest part of Obama being pres.

McCain's not the perfect solution but I'll take the wisdom that comes with age and I know he really does love America.

Nancy said...

I forgot.......I like this blog. I can get stuff off my chest. I don't understand church members throwing their vote for Obama in with movie stars, celebrities, TV and music personalities, ignorant, unwary, and sheeplike youth, abortionists, and those in favor of promoting homosexuality. 80% to 90% or more (is my rough guess) of the General Authorities and church membership as a whole, vote conservative. Maybe I'm way off on that but looking at the collective wisdom of those groups gives me a clue as to where my allegiance should lie even if I didn't understand any of the issues involved.

Carrie said...

Here's a different perspective on Obama's "redistribution" comment from the interview in 2001 that you discussed in you "Plumber" post. Of course I think it's worth reading. I am really interested in reading what you have to say about McCain, though. Happy voting tomorrow!