I have a confession to make--I'm jealous of the democrats in this country. Not because they're going to win the White House or senate or congress... I'm jealous of them because they have someone to be excited about. They have a good speaker and a smooth guy who espouses their ideals in a charismatic, inspiring way. Inspiring to them anyway.
After the RNC, I was hopeful that conservatives might have someone to get excited about. Palin was folksy and down-home, but she did seem to relate to the average person and she threw some zingers out there as well. I was hopeful but reserved. I was afraid she would get destroyed by Biden in the debate so I was withholding judgment until later. I wanted to see how smart she seemed in the debates. Did she have good speech writers, a nice smile, and pleasant personality, but not much else, or was she the whole deal? Biden played the debates perfectly in my opinion. He resisted his natural tendency to be a snotty, condescending jerk and just let Palin hang herself. I was extremely surprised to hear the pundits opine that she hadn't done so poorly--I thought she was terrible. She didn't sound intelligent. She kept going back to her talking points and did so with no elegance whatsoever. She wasn't on top of the issues and didn't make the come backs I wanted her to. She doesn't feel executive and doesn't inspire confidence.
John McCain screwed up again. While I still think Palin's a good person and good for conservative values, I don't think she was the right pick. I imagine that McCain figured he would attract all the independents himself, so he needed someone to appeal to the displeased conservative base. Let's face it--no hard core, gun toting, bible reading conservative is ever going to vote for Obama. That being the case, why even worry about the base? The truth is that McCain doesn't appeal to many independents. His smug smirk, grouchy demeanor, and out of touch persona doesn't appeal to ANYBODY as far as I can tell.
So, there it is--I've confessed. How we got in this mess is beyond me.
When McCain first announce his VP pick I thought, what a jerk he's totally using her because she's a woman. Then I saw her speak at the RNC and I was impressed and decided I had judged her too harshly. But since then she just keeps spiraling down in my opinion. Get over the folksy "once again I'm no Washington insider" crap, frankly her personality drives me nuts and I don't think she's got that much to offer the country either. Alaska seems like a good place for her to stay.
I agree Palin isn't the wisest choice but I don't think Obama/Biden will do us any good either. So what do we do? Go vote anyway even if our guy doesn't get in at least we let our voice be heard.
The picture was worth a big scream. I'm feeling your pain. But I think it's time to make a big stink out of the birth certificate. Conservative talk guy, Michael Savage, said there is a rumor Obama was born in Kenya. Well, when is he going to pruduce this birth certificate??
I just have to add that you can still be president if you were born in some other country so long as you were born to US citizens so if Obama were born in Kenya he would still qualify.
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