Here's a beauty:

I have no idea where it came from but it reminds me of a guy I saw here in Fort Wayne a few years ago. This dude was riding a bike similar to this one, only he had strapped a plastic lawn chair to the back of it so his German shepherd could ride along. The dog looked right at home--he even posed for me as I pulled my work camera out and took their picture. I'll have to see if I can find that one...
These two deserve the stupid of the year award. I love how they both have helmets on. I don't know what there is to protect between those ears, given their obvious stupidity.
Well, I personally don't think that baby's going anywhere.
That photo is disturbing on so many levels.
Wow! The things people do. I'd tell you a story about a not so dress boat driver (male very hairy) but just thinking about it is giving me the hibby gibbies. But you just fill in the blankets if you want.
Not that I'm one to talk about other people's size, having my own issues, but due to their expansiveness, it took a minute to see the babe smooched in there. And all I can say is Wow, there really should be a screening process before they let people reproduce.
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