Saturday, October 18, 2008

Time to be GREEDY or FEARFUL?

"A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful."

--Warren Buffet

Here's what the market (DOW) has done in the last 2 weeks:


That's a total change of -1,998.44 or nearly 20% just in the last 2 weeks.

Warren Buffet would tell us to invest now... Anyone out there feel like doing that???


Deb said...

Hey Tyler Lee is going to LOVE this when I show him. I love the plummer exposed post.

emily said...

Do you plan on investing now?

Deb said...

Lee says it's time to be greedy...if He had money he would be greedy. You still need to be mindful of what your greed gets you.

Nancy said...

We have money to invest but are too FEARFUL and generally confused and too ignorant to know what we're doing.