Anyway, I'm getting complaints about the picture of Charles, so I'll post something new just to move it down the line. I do think it's ironic that I said I liked him and wrote complimentary things, just before he was arrested for drunk driving while on the prowl for a hooker. Call me naive I guess...
Anyway, my brother Spencer took these pictures on our canoe trip last summer. I thought it was intriguing... It's a cicada coming out of its shell on a pair of shorts hanging from a clothes line. That sounds like a line from a Beck song, but I digress...
It's all in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

Lovely. That is SO much better.
That's what I thought.
I'll say you got nuthin. A molting cicada??? I'm not sure but what I don't like the picture of Charles Barkley better.
Ok, he's in... taxes are starting to wig out, nationaly debt is going to go even more haywire than it already is, and the beginning of socialization has begun. It's time to post again!
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